Really felt wanna cry when saw my assignment marks for engineering computing. With the time had sacrificed on it. I think i had gain the great satisfaction. My group get 46/50 for this assignment. I think 46 is the highest marks among all... Thankss GOD.
Still remember the first day i get the question for this assignment. I found that all my assignment group mates had quited from UTAR and i have the problem to find the new assignment group. As precaution step and by no choice i started this assignment at third day i get the assignment question. But luckily still have three friends don't mind to join me and hopefully my contribution on this assignment not disappointing them and also really thanks for three of you (Ren Xin, Karen and Alice) which don't mind to join me.
In progression to complete this assignment. Actually i almost going to give up on debuging some problem. Especially when do the roman check input function, integer input function and float input function.
Don't know how many time i knock my head on table and said i don't want to do it any more cause its just 15/100 of overall marks in final!!! I lie down on bed and close my eyes. There were noise come from my mind: "zhi yong....don't give up! don't be weak! that's nothing can't be solve! that's just a small and simple problem! That just a C-compiler! Don't give up! Be patient and solve it slowly...". Luckily i not give up and i had solved all the bug or problem that i wish to solve.
Even i can't score well for this subject for the final paper. But i am satisfy cause i had tried my best.
43/50 wor...can get A ady lar...then u wil hav a lot of A dis sem lor...haha.
your hard work pay off...actually final exam just a memorizing task and solve a problem is a short period of time...as long you din give up on whatever you do then u will success in the end...good luck...
but .... sad ... yesterday can't finish it....lost 25 marks first le ... hahaha....
C~H all that kakak siew false la ... curi my A again... hahahaha
No bad ya,Zhi Yong uncle:)
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